
Traffic control devices, both permanent and temporary, play a major role in the safe transportation of vehicles on our roadways.  Whether it involves roadways signing, pavement markings, traffic signals, or temporary traffic control, EFG’s staff is trained to help you navigate the standards of practice to determine whether traffic control is adequate.

Traffic control can contribute to an accident in a number of ways. Roadway signing and marking that is misleading or confusing can cause a driver to become distracted or directed into potentially dangerous situations. A curve that is marked for an inappropriately high speed can give drivers a false sense of security. Traffic control signs, such as stop signs, that do not have adequate visibility can create hazardous situations at intersections.

In the event of an accident at a signalized intersection, a timing analysis of the signal may sometimes give an indication as to who likely had the right-of-way at the time of the accident. EFG is also equipped to perform a signal timing analysis to develop the most efficient timing plan for municipalities.

A major concern for construction related work is temporary traffic control or maintenance of traffic. If a traffic control plan is prepared that does not meet applicable standards, or if the plan is improperly implemented, the contractor could hold some liability in the event of an accident. 

The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices, as well as state and local standards, outlines the proper implementation of temporary and permanent traffic control. Let us assist you in determining the adequacy of your project’s traffic control.


P.O. Box 5184, Knoxville TN 37928   -   Phone: 865-281-0068 - Email